One thing I really get tired of is people giving advice when they are not in your house, have not lived your life and just plain do not know.
Last time I went in the hospital I was told over and over I need these medicines they put me on. Now I am not against medicine for any condition even mental stuff if needed . What I do not care for is medical people so called talking to you like you are stupid, giving advice that works for them but they have no idea what it is like in actuality. Degrees do not count! -and talking to you stupid. Or when you tell them exactly what happened with a medicine practically accusing you of lying. Looking at you like you do Meth like many. I have no respect for these people at all. They make it all sound so easy because their way works for them.
They take it for granted you have money to get these drugs. Actually an antidepressant I was put on in the hospital was really helping. One case manager told me I could probably get this medicine for $4 Walmart list. I called Walmart and woe, was this not only on the $4 list , it was running about $150 for a month. Well I am told you can go get it on the discount at Walgreens . It is only $30 there. Walgreens is way far out, so consider the gas, and it would be okay if I just had that prescription, but how much do all the prescriptions I get run at $30 a pop? It is like a juggling act.
Needless to say, I think it is better to give this depression over to God. if I had not had this good medicine in the first place, my depression would be more manageable then it is now. it is extreme as my body loses the help of the drug.
I tell them that. "What if I cannot get these medication? After all as I wrote on a post back a few days, I am trying to get asthma help with natural plants in my yard since my asthma is a killer and real costly to get the prescriptions for. There answer is "why?" DUH !!!! Things do happen and my asthma medication is a matter of life and death.
So here I sit -extremely depressed-far worse than if I had never had the stupid drugs in the first place and they want to push more and more which is far worse to have and then not and over and over cycle than to just deal with it with God's strength in the first place.
Oh and another thing in their cushy government job. You call to tell them -these concerned for you helpers when you were in the hospital-to tell them wast is happening, leave messages and they do not call back. This is not me, because of God's restraining hand but then they scratch their heads at someone going postal. Is it any wonder?
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